210 244 0600
Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

General terms of use for the website

This website belongs and is operated by the private enterprise “Ioannis Goumas” (hereinafter “GOUMAS”) (VAT Reg. No. 047822510) which is based in Acharnes, Attica. To use our website, you must read and accept the current terms of use and the Personal Data Protection Policy

This is a legally binding document for browsing the GOUMAS website. Please read the present terms carefully. If you decide to browse our website, it will be considered that you have accepted the terms herein. If you do not agree with the terms of use or the Personal Data Protection Policy, you ought to stop using our services.

GOUMAS has the right to amend the present “General terms of use” and/or the “Personal Data Protection Policy” or even terminate the website and/or its services at any time. 

If you any query or need clarifications, please contact our company's support service at info@monoseisgoumas.gr or call 210-2440600 & 210-2467702

A few words about us

Our engagement in insulations, one of the most sensitive construction fields, began in 1995. Given that we specialise in and install insulations to rooftops and walls, our experience is unquestionable and we a fully qualified and informed in this field. We have permanent personnel, which is trained and updated with seminars from the largest insulation manufacturers and accredited government agencies, to achieve excellent and flawless results at all times. Our years of experience, our company’s well-trained personnel, and use of the best quality materials guarantee an excellent result. 


Browsing the website

You are free to browse the GOUMAS website (provided you have accepted the current General Terms of Use). At the same time, you will need to read and accept the “Personal Data Protection Policy”. (link).


Intellectual property rights

The entire content of our website and platform constitutes the intellectual property of our company and is protected by applicable national, community and international law. The content of website can in no way, whether wholly or partially, in parts or in summary, be used, modified, published, transmitted, transferred, reproduced, distributed, displayed, connected, uploaded or exploited in any other way. 

The trademarks that are included in this website are trademarks registered to GOUMAS and belong to same. The use of the GOUMAS trademarks is prohibited without its prior written consent.


Hyperlinks with third-party pages

Redirections to third-party websites by way of links/hyperlinks may be found on the website to facilitate the users of the platform and website. We wish to point out that the websites to which the redirections are made are subject to the terms of use of the respective websites. The links that appear on the GOUMAS website do not suggest that GOUMAS has approved or accepted the respective website(s) and is not liable for their content or the data protection practices or the accuracy of the materials found therein. 


Obligations of users

You are required to comply with the applicable law (national, European and international) and not unlawfully or abusively use the website and its contents. You are liable for any damage that is caused to GOUMAS from the unlawful or abusive use of the website or its contents. In such circumstances, GOUMAS is required to stop the violation and prevent the continuation and claim compensation for damages.

In certain areas of our website you are able to express your opinion about a specific issue. In such cases, you warrant that such content will not:

(i) a) offend others (in a defamatory of racist manner), b) violates any third-party rights (e.g., intellectual property rights), c) is contrary to the law and the code of ethics and the business code, d) interferes in any way with the private life and individual and social rights of third parties.

(ii) Mislead and intentionally harm the reputation of GOUMAS or third parties and/or jeopardise the security of the GOUMAS website.

(iii) Be illegal or encourage illegal content.

(iv) Redirect to illegal web pages.

(v) Redirect to the web pages of GOUMAS’ competitors.


Furthermore, you do not have the right:

  • To install, forward, in any way, any kind of unsolicited or unauthorised advertisement or junk mail (spam), chain letters, pyramid systems and any other form of unwanted messages.
  • To install and/or provide content that contains viruses or any other electronic code, files or programmes designed to interfere with, corrupt, or restrict the operation of any software or telecommunications equipment or to prevent other users from using the platform or website.
  • Collect or store persona; data regarding other users. In case of use that is illegal or contrary to the terms of use of the website, users are required to compensate OTE for any damage it incurs as a result of such use. The non-exercise of its rights arising from the current terms does not imply that the Company waives such rights.
  • To technologically override measures or filters and the technology that GOUMAS uses.
  • Use technology or media that could cause the platform services to malfunction.

GOUMAS has the right to erase or remove illegal or offensive content and prevent the use of the web page.



GOUMAS makes efforts to create a user-friendly environment, to provide the best possible services to its users and for the care, maintenance and availability of the website, however, its does not warrant its uninterrupted availability, since it operation can be affected by causes that are out of GOUMAS’ control, such as the communication networks, the large number of visitors attempting to simultaneously use to the website and does not warrant that the website functions will be free of errors and viruses and is not liable for the loss of data or other damage to the visitor/user or third party which is sue to the use/replication/uploading or alteration or virus infection or other unauthorised third-party interventions to files and information that is available via the website. Every user must ensure for their own protection (use of antivirus, virus scanner or other protection system) before using the website of the saving information, software or content thereof in its terminals.

For website maintenance or upgrading purposes, or for any other reason, the company may interrupt and/or temporarily or permanently modify part or all of the website. 

Users acknowledge and accept that GOUMAS shall not be liable for any damage to users resulting from the use of the website or the users’ inability to access to the website, the cessation of all or part of the website, the delay, non-delivery, interruption or poor quality or loss of its content or the existence of any kind of errors.



GOUMAS reserves the right to terminate the website and its services at any time without prior notification and without liability. Moreover, it reserves the right to restrict, suspend, deny or remove access to all or part of the web page or any service and at its discretion, deny access to any person without warning or any liability.


Applicable law and jurisdiction 

Disputes that may arise from the implementation of the above terms shall be resolved amicably; however, if this is not possible, they are governed by Greek law and subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Athens. 



In the event that any of the provisions of the Terms of Use is deemed null and void, it will not affect the validity of the other provisions that will remain in force.

GOUMAS can transfer its rights without third-party consent.

The parties agreed on all the terms and conditions contained in this agreement.

Should you need to contact us, you can call 210-2440600 & 210-2467702 or send an email to info@monoseisgoumas.gr.

The content that is provided in this web page cannot be construed as advice, encouragement, suggestion, instruction or guidance to users to act in a particular way, but it is at their discretion to act as they wish, provided that GOUMAS is not held liable.


Please read and accept the Personal Data Protection Policy

Probably the only ones

who give a real guarantee for the insulations we install.


We are 1 of 100 members

of the Panhellenic Association of Insulation Companies.


We are 1 of 23

certified insulation companies.


Certified Insulation

Click on the pictures and see our credentials.
