Cool colours can help, in part, to reflect the warm during the summer months. They are only used as an alternative and always in combination with the traditional thermal insulation materials, such as expanded polystyrene (airpop), graphite polystyrene (Neopor, extruded polystyrene (dow), stone wool, etc.
Unfortunately, taking advantage of the economic crisis, many companies recommend various reflective membranes, paints, renders and admixtures as a cheap thermal insulation solution. They even call on various technologies like nanotechnology and give these products “magical” properties, for the sole purpose of make a quick profit.
Following repeated complaints, the Ministry of Productive Reconstruction, Environment and Energy reacted by issuing is opinion on 09/03/2015 which states that these products “do not fall under the category of thermal insulation products”. In addition, it asks the General Secretariat of Consumer Affairs to impose the legally-provided sanctions.
The consumers’ attention should be drawn to avoid the supply and application of products whose sole purpose is to deceive them. Deceived consumers can contact the General Secretariat of Commerce & Consumer Protection to claim for any compensation.
General Secretariat of Consumer Affairs complaint line: 1520