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The advantages of rooftop insulation

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The advantages of rooftop insulation

The advantages of rooftop insulation

The creation of an ideal environment for a building’s occupants is key. In past, due to a lack of information, relevant law and/or know how, rooftop insulations were considered unnecessary. Nowadays, we have the appropriate tools and experience to offer the perfect result and a tailor-made solution for each of our customers.

Unfortunately, many home owners neglect this job because of the initial cost, without considering the very short amortisation period. The result? They are encountered with numerous problems, either of a financial, structural-static or even health nature.

But what are the most significant advantages that insulated rooftops offer and how do we address the aforementioned problems:

  • Rooftop insulation can offer you up to 65% energy efficiency.

In the winter, the rooftop is responsible for the largest percentage of heat loss in your home because it is constantly exposed to the weather conditions. Similarly in the summer months, high temperatures throughout the day make your life difficult. A correctly installed rooftop insulation offering ideal conditions of thermal comfort. It will help you keep your household warm in winter and cool in summer. The savings it offers in electricity-oil-gas bills are such that amortise the installation cost in less than 5 years. This period is reduced, in areas with more extreme climate fluctuations.

  • Rooftop insulations offer 100% protection from water penetration

Buildings, whether new or old, without rooftop waterproofing usually encounter moisture problems. With time the unprotected rooftop slab corrodes and creates water penetration problems, such as: Discolourations, stains, blistering, cracks, render detachments, etc.  In more severe cases with chronic moisture, we see the phenomenon of carbonation of concrete and oxidation of the reinforcing metal rods (steel), resulting in impairment of the element’s bearing capacity.

  • They protect your property’s ceiling from fungus (mould)

Mould appears during winter in constructions that do not have proper thermal insulation and primarily via the area with the weakest insulation. 

It forms due to the difference in temperature between the interior and exterior sides of the structural elements and is more likely to appear on ceilings, areas with little to no ventilation and areas with excessive vapour production due to everyday human activities, like bathrooms and kitchens.

Aesthetically, mould is ugly but it is also dangerous for your health given that it produces a number of harmful substances that burden respiratory conditions and allergies. Constant exposure to an environment with mould could irritate the eyes, lungs, nose, skin and throat.

  • An insulated property ensures a high rating energy certification

Following the amortisation of the initial investment, the financial benefits continue. Every buyer - tenant is informed about the benefits of high-quality insulation and it is one of the basic features that they look for in homes that interest them.

  • Long life span

With proper maintenance (every 4-5 years), the insulation has a life span of more than 20 years. By calculating the initial price and the amortisation period, it is not difficult to see that in this period someone can save more than 3 times the amount that they invested in the property.

  • From a construction stand point, rooftop insulation solutions are given in difficult cases

The inability to use heavy materials due to static insufficiency, does not stand in the way of insulating your rooftop, since constructional solutions are now available with lightweight materials (35 kg/m2).

Moreover, with the modern materials and know how that are available, insulations can be carried out throughout the year,on time and with safety.


Rooftop insulations should not be treated like a luxury, but like a basic need. The difference in the quality of life and energy efficiency will be instantaneous.  Every customer is unique, so is the solution that we will offer you.

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